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59.140.30 Leather and fur

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ST RK GB/T 22883-2019
Sheepskin leather, raw. Specifications
ST RK ISO 11641-2016
Skin color stability tests. Color fastness to sweat
ST RK ISO 11642-2016
Skin color stability tests. Color fastness to water
ST RK ISO 14931-2016
Leather. Guidance on the selection of leather for clothing (with the exception of fur products)
ST RK ISO 17071-2016
Leather. Physical and mechanical tests. Methods for determining condensation characteristics
ST RK ISO 17072-1-2016
Leather. Chemical determination of metal content. Part 1. Extractable metals
ST RK ISO 17072-2-2016
Leather. Chemical determination of metal content. Part 2. The total metal content
ST RK ISO 17074-2016
Leather. Physical and mechanical tests. Determination of resistance to horizontal flame spread
ST RK ISO 17076-2-2016
Leather. Determination of resistance to abrasion of the skin. Part 2. Martindal ball plate method
ST RK ISO 17186-2016
Leather. Physical and mechanical tests. Methods for determining the thickness of the surface coating
ST RK ISO 17226-1-2009
Leather. Chemical methods of formaldehyde determination. Part 1. High-pressure liquid chromatography method
ST RK ISO 17226-2-2009
Leather. Chemical determination of formaldehyde content. Part 1. Method using colorimetrical analysis
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