Floors of livestock buildings in leisure areas of cattle and pigs. Provision of allowable wear capacity and abrasiveness of coating material. Method for determination of wear capacity and abrasiveness
Floors of livestock buildings in leisure areas of cattle and pigs. Providing of nontoxity of livestock building floors. Method for determination of toxicity
Floors of livestock buildings in leisure areas of cattle and pigs. Providing of water-resistance of floor coating materials. Method for determination of water resistance
Floors of livestock buildings in leisure areas of cattle and pigs. Floors waterproofing providing. Method for waterproofing determination
Floors of livestock buildings in leisure areas of cattle and pigs. Providing of allowable water absorption of floor coating. Method for determination of water absorption
Floors of livestock buildings in leisure areas of cattle and pigs. Providing of strength of floor coating materials. Method for determination of compression resistance
Floors of livestock buildings in leisure areas of cattle and pigs. Providing of allowable wear of floor coating material. Method for determination of wear
Floors of livestock buildings in leisure areas of cattle and pigs. Providing of required floor coating materials strength. Method for determination of bending resistance
Floors of livestock buildings in leisure areas of cattle and pigs. Providing of floor coating impact strength. Method for determination of impact strength
Floors of livestock buildings in leisure areas of cattle and pigs. Providing of required floor coating materials strength. Method for determination of average density
Floors of livestock buildings in leisure areas of cattle and pigs. Providing of allowable floor hardness. Method for determination of hardness
Floors of livestock buildings in leisure areas of cattle and pigs. Providing of non-formation of skin mustinesses for animals. Method for determination of effect of coating material on formation of skin mustinesses