Honey. Determination of the residual content of dimetridazole, ronidazole and metronidazole by liquid chromatography
Honey Determination of the residual volume of phenol by high performance liquid chromatography - fluorescence detection method
Honey Determination of electrical conductivity
Honey Determination of C4-plants by the method of carbon isotopic ratio
Honey Determination of diastase number by spectrophotometry
Honey Method for determination of residual sulfanilamide content
Honey Method for determination of residual content of hydroxymethylfurfural
Honey Determination of the residual content of chloramphenicol by liquid chromatography and tandem mass spectrometry
Honey Determination of residual chloramphenicol content by gas chromatography and mass spectrometry
Honey Enzyme immunoassay for the determination of the residual content of chloramphenicol
Honey Determination of starch syrup and high fructose content by thin layer chromatography
Honey Determination of the quantitative content of sucrose, fructose, glucose, maltose by liquid chromatography and refractive index detection