WOOD ROUND AND SAW TIMBER Method of characterization
Moisture content in a sawn timber sample. Part 1. Determination by drying in a drying chamber
Moisture content in lumber products. Part 2. Determination of moisture content by the method of electrical resistance
Fasteners for timber structures Standard bearing capacities and sliding modules of keyed connections
Wooden structures. Stress-graded construction timber of rectangular cross-section of bearing purpose. Part 1. General requirements
Wooden structures. Construction wood bearing destination of rectangular cross section, sorted by strength. Part 3. Machine sorting. Additional requirements for factory production control
Wooden structures. Construction wood bearing destination rectangular cross-section, sorted by strength. Part 4. Machine sorting. Sorting machine settings for machine control systems
Wooden structures. Calculation of values of characteristical 5-percent product and sample fitting criteria
Timber construction strength classes. Visual distribution by grade and breed
Wooden structures. Strength classes
Durability of wood and products of wood. Whole timber saturated with a protective agent. Part 1. Classification of saturant and retention of the protective agent