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01.140.20 Informatics

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ST RK 1.21-2019
Unified state fund of normative technical documents of the Republic of Kazakhstan acquisition, maintenance and storage
ST RK 1.52-2005
State system of technical regulation of the Republic of Kazakhstan. Information and Documentation. Standards catalogues providing
ST RK 1237-2004
System of standards on information, librarianship and publishing. Documents on paper. General technical requirements for archive storing
ST RK 1398-2005
Motor roads. Engineering surveys for construction, reconstruction, and capital repairs. Reports requirements
ST RK 2202-2012
System of standards on information, librarianship and publishing. International standard number for musical edition. Publishing design and use
ST RK 3159-2018
Knowledge Management Guide to Successfully Achieve Small Business Goals
ST RK ISO 15489-2-2007
Information and Documentation Operational Accounting Part 2 Manual Introduced for the first time
ST RK ISO 22310-2010
Information and Documentation. Guideline for developers of Standards specifying requirements for document management
ST RK ISO 23081-2-2010
Information and documentation. Records control metadata. Part 1. Problems, conceptions, and implementation
ST RK ISO 25964-1-2018
System of standards for information, librarianship and publishing Part 1 THESAURUSES FOR SEARCHING INFORMATION
ST RK ISO 25964-2-2018
System of standards for information, librarianship and publishing Part 2 INTERACTION WITH OTHER DICTIONARIES
ST RK ISO 2788-2007
Documentation. Guidelines for creation and development of unilingual thesaurus (explanatory dictionary)
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