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03.240 Postal Services

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ST RK CEN/TR 16706-2020
Postal services. Quality of service. Measurement of misdelivery. FEASIBILITY STUDY
ST RK CEN/TR 16894-2020
Postal services. Quality of delivery. Forwarding
ST RK CEN/TS 14441-2020
Postal services Postal kits. Formation, handling and transportation
ST RK CEN/TS 14442-2020
Postal services. Automated processing of postal items. Facing identification marks
ST RK CEN/TS 16819-2020
Postal services. Parcel boxes for end use. Specifications
ST RK CEN/TS 17217-2020
Postage. Envelope with return address. Performance and printing requirements
ST RK EN 13619-2020
Postal services. Mail processing. Optical characteristics for letter processing
ST RK EN 14012-2020
Postal services. Quality of service. Principles of grievance handling
ST RK EN 14508-2020
Postal services. Quality of Service. Measurement of turnaround time for complex services for non-priority and non-urgent mail
ST RK EN 14534-2020
Postal services. Quality of service. Measurement of turnaround time for complex services for bulk mail
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