Environment protection. Atmosphere. Determination of emission parameters for lead, zinc, copper and their compounds
Environment protection. Atmosphere. Photometric method of determination of quantity of nitrogen oxides from stationary pollution sources
Environment protection. Atmosphere. Method for determination and calculation of amount of pollutants emission
Environment protection. Atmosphere. Determination of dust-collecting plants operation effectiveness parameters
Environment protection. Atmosphere. Determination of sulphur dioxide emission parameters from stationary pollution sources
Methods of measurements. Photometric determination of the mass concentration of hexavalent chromium in industrial emissions
Methods for measuring the content of nitrofuran metabolites in animal products
Environment protection. Stationary source emissions. Determination of mass concentration of gaseous chlorides, expressed as HCl. Standard control method
Environment protection. Stationary source emissions. Determination of carbon monoxide, carbon dioxide and oxygen. Performance characteristics and calibration of automatic measuring systems
Environment protection. Stationary source emissions. Determination of nitrous oxide mass concentration (N2O). Control method: non-dispersive infra-red method
Environment protection. Stationary source emissions. Determination of PM10/PM2, 5 mass concentrations in exhaust gases. Measuring of low concentrations by means of the impactor
Environment protection. Stationary source emissions. Automatic method of determination of methane concentration by means of plasma-ionization detection