Methods for measuring the mass concentration of nitrite ions in samples of natural, drinking and waste waters on a liquid analyzer
Vegetable and animal products, feeds, water, soil. Determination of organophosphorus pesticide by means of chromatographic method
Water quality. Methods for determination of dissolved oxygen
Industrial waste water. Photocolorimetric method for determination of thiocyanates
Industrial waste water. Photocolorimetric method for the determination of cyanide
Water quality. Method for the determination of fluoride
Water quality. Method for the determination of xanthates
Air quality Industrial emissions Photometric measurement method for Nickel in dust
Plastic piping systems for water supply, drainage and pumping of waste water under pressure Polyethylene. Part 3. Fittings
Water quality Determination of suspended solids FILTRATION METHOD WITH FIBERGLASS FILTERS
Water quality Decomposition for the determination of certain elements in water Part 1 DECOMPOSITION IN CZAR'S VODKA
Water quality Decomposition for the determination of certain elements in water Part 2 DECOMPOSITION IN NITRIC ACID