Keyword: meat

Product Matches
Name Summary SKU
ST RK 1334-2005 Smoked sausages. Technical conditions KAZA22314
ST RK 1728-2007 Meat and meat products. Packaging, labeling, transportation and storage KAZA22718
ST RK 1729-2007 Meat and meat products. Acceptance Rules and Test Methods KAZA22719
ST RK 1730-2007 Meat and meat products. General technical conditions KAZA22720
ST RK 1731-2007 Meat and meat products. Organoleptic method for determining quality indicators KAZA22721
ST RK 296-97 Patties with meat and liver stuffing. Technical conditions KAZA23654
ST RK 3.68-2006 State system of technical regulation of the Republic of Kazakhstan. Procedure of meat and meat products compliance confirmation compliance confirmation KAZA23714
ST RK EEK OON 355-2012 Chicken meat. Carcasses and their parts. Requirements at supplying and quality control KAZA24023
ST RK GOST R 50453-2009 Meat and meat products. Determination of nitrogen content (reference method) KAZA24310
ST RK GOST R 50848-2010 Requirements at raising and feeding of young cattle stock for meat to produce food products for children. Standard technological process. KAZA24390
ST RK GOST R 51447-2010 Meat and meat products. Sampling methods. KAZA24485
ST RK GOST R 51448-2010 Meat and meat products. Methods of test samples preparation for microbiological examination KAZA24486
ST RK GOST R 51921-2010 Food products. Methods of detection and determination of Listeria monocytogenes bacteria KAZA24544
ST RK GOST R 52480-2007 Meat and meat products. Accelerated histological method for determination of content structural components KAZA24598
ST RK GOST R 53514-2011 Meat and meat products. Immune method of determination of animal (pork, beef, mutton) proteins KAZA24677
ST RK ISO 13493-2007 Meat and meat products. Method for determination of chloramphenicol (chloramphenicol) content by means of liquid chroniatography KAZA25129
ST RK ISO 13720-2009 Meat and meat products. Calculation of pseudomonade types KAZA25164
ST RK ISO 13720-2013 Meat and meat products. Calculation of presumptive types KAZA25165
ST RK ISO 13722-2009 Meat and meat products. Brochothrix Thermosphacta bacteriological count. Colony-count technique KAZA25166
ST RK ISO 13965-2009 Meat and meat products. Determination of starch and glucose. The method of tenderization using enzyme preparations KAZA25192
ST RK ISO 15141-2-2012 Food products. Determination of content of ochratoxin A in grain and grain products. Part 1. The high-resolution liquid chromatography method with bicarbonate purification KAZA25264
ST RK ISO 2917-2009 Meat and meat products. Determination of pH Control method. 10 KAZA25613
ST RK ISO 5553-2012 Meat and meat products. Detection of polyphosphates KAZA25760
ST RK ISO 936-2009 Meat and meat products. Determination of ash substances total content KAZA25994
ST RK 1625-2007 Meat and meat products and baby food. Methods for determining the size of bone particles KAZA207450
ST RK EJeK OON Horse meat. Carcasses and Cuts. KAZA207828
ST RK EJeK OON Veal. Carcasses and Cuts. Requirements for delivery and quality control KAZA207829
ST RK 1728-2015 Meat and meat products. Packaging, labeling, transportation and storage KAZA262285
ST RK 13493-2007 Meat and meat products. Method for the determination of chloramphenicol (chloramphenicol) using liquid chromatography KAZA354868

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